North American Gold Mine Expands PowerTrunk TETRA Network, Adds Data Applications
PowerTrunk Inc has announced that Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (Agnico) has significantly expanded their TETRA radio communications network, including the addition of specialized data applications to their operations.
Cambridge, 13th March 2017- PowerTrunk Inc., part of the Sepura Group, has announced that Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (Agnico) has significantly expanded their TETRA radio communications network, including the addition of specialized data applications to their operations, at their Meliadine gold project, near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada.
Agnico Eagle recently announced that its Meliadine gold project, located in the low Arctic of Northern Canada had received approval from its Board of Directors to proceed with construction. The project has now shifted into full development mode and the additional personnel and activity will mean an increase in communications traffic and security procedures which need to be applied.
"While initially as a single site PowerTrunk-T infrastructure, the TETRA network at Meliadine has grown to add hot-standby redundancy, a total of five site base stations (SBS), and an additional mast-mounted base station (MBS) for rapid deployable operations or for use in specific areas during construction and operation," said David Torres, Senior VP Sales PowerTrunk.
"The mine also extended TETRA coverage to include their underground operations over a standard UHF leaky feeder system. By the summer of 2017, AEM expects to have about 500 radios in use and that every light and heavy equipment vehicle (pick-up trucks, drills, scoops, loaders, forklifts, graders, jumbos) will have an IP67 rated mobile radio installed."
Mining operations will also add GPS tracking and two custom-built Short Data Applications (SDA) to run on their digital portable radios for Blast Notice and for Stench Gas Release request.
"The unique ability of TETRA to support both voice and enhanced data applications on the same user device has given us the opportunity to add two custom built applications that enhance our safety procedures," said Philip Quessy, Agnico's IT General Supervisor for Nunavut.
The Blast Notice application will help secure the communication and increase awareness of upcoming blasts in the mine. Although announcements are still made via a voice call, the SDA is designed so that when it is triggered, a Blast Notification will appear in all selected terminals displaying when and where the blast is taking place and who has authorized it.
The second custom built application is designed to allow a terminal user to request a Stench Gas Release. A Stench Gas Release sends a clear and definitive odor throughout the underground operations in the event of an emergency, indicating the initiation of emergency response procedures. By having the application accessible to the appropriate personnel through their radio devices, at anytime there is a severe accident that requires emergency response procedures, anyone on the surface or underground could potentially release that gas into the ventilation system to therefore trigger evacuation or other emergency procedures.
"The decision to select an open standard based digital
communication TETRA system with a possible migration path to
broadband LTE applications secures Agnico Eagle´s present and
future voice and data needs. PowerTrunk is fully invested in the
partnership with Agnico to develop the required applications for
the mining sector specific needs that could be mirrored in other
mining sites," added Carlos Fernandez, Executive Vice President of